why phe·nom·e·na?

Once upon a time, in the ever-evolving landscape of education, there was a proactive learning designer. Driven by her passion for understanding and sharing knowledge, she was fascinated by the concept of phenomenon-based learning, a pedagogical approach supported by extensive research.

Recognizing the transformative potential of this approach, the learning designer decided to share her insights and experiences with a broader audience. Thus, the blog phe·nom·e·na was born.

phe·nom·e·na was more than just a blog. It was a beacon of learning, illuminating the practical application of theories and strategies in the real world. Each post was a testament to the designer’s journey of navigating problems in her practice, armed with the principles of phenomenon-based learning.

The learning designer understood that the true magic of learning lies in making connections, solving problems, and discovering the world. Grounded in these principles, she tackled challenges in her work, turning each obstacle into a learning opportunity. Then, she shared these experiences on phe·nom·e·na, offering readers a glimpse into the real-world application of phenomenon-based learning.

Readers found value in the designer’s honest storytelling, the practical insights, and the underpinning of solid research. The blog posts were not just narratives; they were case studies showcasing the effective application of  learning, an approach proven to foster deeper understanding, promote critical thinking, and facilitate meaningful learning.

As phe·nom·e·na grew, it became a community. Readers from all walks of life started contributing to the blog, sharing their experiences, insights, and even suggesting topics for future posts. The learning designer had created a platform where everyone could learn, grow, and share their journey of discovery.

Through phe·nom·e·na, the learning designer demonstrated the power and potential of phenomenon-based learning. She showed that every problem is a phenomenon waiting to be explored, understood, and shared. And in the process, she affirmed that learning is not a solitary endeavor but a shared journey of discovery.

And so, with every new post on phe·nom·e·na, the learning designer continues to inspire, educate, and foster a love for learning. She shines a light on the beauty of discovery, the thrill of problem-solving, and the joy of sharing knowledge. And in doing so, she reminds us all of the transformative power of education.


Education: Defining the Phenomenon

Making Sense of Project Phenomena in Information Systems Education

Teaching and Learning Through the Pedagogical Lenses of Phenomenology

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